Another week of class has begun! The weekend was a great time to catch up on some sleep and downtown, but went by far too fast. My class for this week is called "Transformational Leadership." This is a type of leadership marked by a desire to see real and lasting change happen in the hearts of both followers and leaders. We'll spend a lot of time over the next few days discussing the true nature of leadership, how change occurs, and how we can grow in leadership.
I thought as a way of introducing this week, I'd provide some of the quotes that were meaningful today. Read on! For no matter what we may call it (coach, pastor, friend, parent, boss, mentor, etc.) we are ALL involved in leadership on some level.
In regards to what kind of change is transformational: "It is a change in the core trajectory of my life. It is deep, personal, and lasting." (Dr. McCloskey- professor)
Speaking of our ability to change: "A person's openness to transformation is more a function of their emotional maturity than of leadership style." (McCloskey) What this says to me is that willingness to go through deep change is a sign of maturity- not just a character trait.
About servant leadership: "There is not much traffic on the extra mile." (unknown) Will you and I be willing to go that far?
How people handle change: "All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move." -(Benjamin Franklin)
A quote about being teachable: "An intelligent mind is simple and teachable, it sees its faults and allows itself to be guided. A mind that is dull and narrow never sees its faults even when shown them. It is always pleased with itself and never learns to do right." (Teresa of Avila)
About the power of being a learner: "In times of change, the learner will inherit the earth, while the learned are beautifully prepared for a world that no longer exists." (unknown)
The need for humility in the leader: "As small as my slice of knowledge is, there is a lot that I don't know, but even more that I don't know I don't know!" (McCloskey)
Why transformational leadership is needed more than dynamic, charismatic personalities: "Charisma may carry the day, but the transformational leader will carry the decade." (McCloskey)
A reminder on how we can all develop as leaders: "The process of becoming a leader is no different that the process of becoming a fully integrated, healthy human being." Warren Bennis
I hope some of these will stimulate your thinking. May we all offer ourselves to God and allow him to direct us, and use us, as He pleases.
May your journey be filled with peace.
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