I know that you can scientifically and medically explain everything that happens at the time of birth, but it is still an amazing, miracle-type event. Every step of the process from the time Madelyn was just a single cell until the time she was born had to come together in such a precise and profound way. And to top it all off, not only does everything function properly, but she is endowed with beauty (like babies are) from day one. I'm not sure how anyone could be in a delivery room at a time like that and not believe in a good and loving Creator. We are blessed by the GRACE of our wonderful heavenly Father.
I pray that you are trusting in Him, as we are, in this journey.
Tired, but filled with incredible joy,
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!
Not much more to say. What a blessing. Give Alyssa a kiss. I miss her. Summer is too long to be away from the nursery class.
Congrats Nick, Michelle and Alyssa!!!!!
We are all very happy for your newest arrival to the family.
Susan, Mary, Sydney and Emmett
What cute pictures. Congrats!!
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